Open Science Africa
Open Science Africa
South African Open Science Policy Task Team
No information.
The Science Academy - Malawi (TAS)
The Academy of Sciences aims to promote natural sciences, mathematics, medicine, environmental and other life sciences, the engineering sciences, social sciences, and the humanities in line with Malawi’ national development goals.
UNESCO advances open science by promoting global access to scientific knowledge and fostering collaboration. Its Recommendation on Open Science guides countries in adopting policies to share research openly and equitably. Through partnerships and capacity-building, UNESCO helps bridge knowledge gaps and supports inclusive, collaborative solutions to global challenges.
Universities South Africa (USAf)
USAf supports member institutions to become sustainable, financially and socially; to ensure that they are responsive to their immediate contexts, are nationally relevant and internationally competitive. Through its projects and programmes, it enables institutions to identify and respond to national challenges and opportunities for the ultimate benefit of society.
Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences (ZAS)
ZAS addresses subjects such as tropical resources, ecology, and environmental and climate studies. The academy is affiliated with the InterAcademy Partnership and the Network of African Science Academies.