Open Science Africa
Open Science Africa
Research Software and Systems Engineering in Africa (RSSE Africa)
A forum for research software and infrastructure (compute/data) developers on the African continent that aims to share skills and opportunities and improve equity, diversity and inclusion within the global research software and systems engineering (RSSE) space.
South Africa - Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation (DSTI)
The Department of Science and Innovation seeks to boost socio-economic development in South Africa through research and innovation.
South Africa - National Research Foundation (NRF)
To enable research excellence and impact, the NRF engages in and manages mutually beneficial strategic partnerships with local, and international bodies for the benefit of all South Africans and global science.
Talarify supports digital innovation in research and develop impactful capacity and community development interventions. Open Science, reproducibility and interdisciplinarity are the main focus areas.
The Science Academy - Malawi (TAS)
The Academy of Sciences aims to promote natural sciences, mathematics, medicine, environmental and other life sciences, the engineering sciences, social sciences, and the humanities in line with Malawi’ national development goals.
Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa)
TCC Africa aims to build equity in higher education through agnostic and non thematic capacity strengthening in improving research output and visibility in Scholarly and science communication.
UNESCO advances open science by promoting global access to scientific knowledge and fostering collaboration. Its Recommendation on Open Science guides countries in adopting policies to share research openly and equitably. Through partnerships and capacity-building, UNESCO helps bridge knowledge gaps and supports inclusive, collaborative solutions to global challenges.
Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences (ZAS)
ZAS addresses subjects such as tropical resources, ecology, and environmental and climate studies. The academy is affiliated with the InterAcademy Partnership and the Network of African Science Academies.